I'm Courtney.

The founder of Unwavering Love Co. and Henry’s Ripple. In short that means I’m a creative entrepreneur and Mom to our sweet angel Henry. My world completely shattered when my first and only child Henry died just shortly after his birth in September 2021. The following months [and more] marked days filled with grief, confusion, sadness, and ultimately…the best reminders back to my truest values. Reminders that I believe I could have never brought myself, without true guidance from above. 

I previously had an Etsy shop and a blog called Peach & Lemon Creative. While I believed in what I was doing, it lacked true direction and momentum. I believe a part of Henry’s gift to me was being the added “oomph” I needed to redirect, refine and expand my offerings through this new endeavor, Unwavering Love Co. I saw a brand including meaningful gifts [for yourself or others], words that hug or inspire, and a podcast that makes you feel like you are sitting down with a friend - through authentic and vulnerable connection. And most importantly, I envisioned a way that Henry will always be right alongside me in the work that I put into the world. By Henry’s Ripple blending into the brand name, Unwavering Love Co, I’m reminded that he’s with me in all that I do in the world. It’s a reminder to all of you reading, that you don’t have to have even met someone to feel their impact on your life. I hope when you visit Unwavering Love Co, or bring a piece of it into your world, you are reminded that we all matter, every breath is a gift and connection is the way to a more meaningful life that is filled with love.

I cry because I will carry a lifetime of grief without Henry in my arms, but those tears include so much love for him. The fact that I get to be his Mom and he is my perfect angel is a gift like no other. And boy do we see and feel the signs that he is guiding us and truly with us in every way. Thank you for everything, Henry. 

And oh yeah - I’m also a human beyond the Mother and Entrepreneur hats! I love being a wife to Scott and dog Mom to our golden retriever, Murphy. I have a psychology degree so I’m not surprised that I LOVE learning about how I am an enneagram 2w1 and ultimately has led me to understanding that I now need to work on #settingboundaries. I enjoy photography, traveling, iced lattes, buying fun fabric that may turn into a sewing project someday, letting my ears lead me to fun stops in Nashville, TN, meandering the terrace, farmer’s market or Badger game day in my favorite place and college “hometown”, Madison, WI. And oh YES, “I really love fall most of all.” So, this is me. Thanks for being here in my little corner of the internet! I’m so glad you stopped by and pretty soon I’m sure we will be friends and I’ll want to invite you to Christmas dinner.

About Henry + His Ripple

Curious about why Henry’s Ripple became so clear to us as his lasting legacy after his passing? It’s such important work in our lives. Click on over to read more about his powerful ripple. A portion of profits from Unwavering Love Co products will be donated to continue Henry’s Ripple, supporting children and families in times of great need.